Measuring the content of triterpenoid saponin in agrimony Aralia elata by the color development reaction& colorimetry between herb aldose and oil of vitriol reagent. 用香草醛-浓硫酸试剂显色比色分析了龙芽木根和叶中三萜皂甙的含量。
The color development reaction between titanium in extra-low ferrochrome, nitrided ferrochrome and diantipyryl methane is studied. 研究了微碳铬铁、氮化铬铁中钛与二安替比林甲烷的显色反应。
Organic multi-component analysis was carried out by sensitive color development reaction combined with multiple linear regression. 采用多元回归法系统研究了灵敏显色反应用于无机多组分分析。
The qualitative analysis of the flavonoids extracted from Pinus massoniana was carried through film chromatography, color development reaction and infrared spectrum. 通过薄层层析、颜色反应及红外光谱对马尾松针中的黄酮类物质进行了定性鉴定。
The sodium hypochlorite method recommended in API RP 63 for HPAM is shown not applicable to quantitative analysis of this copolymer while another recommended one, color development reaction method, properly modified and improved is fit to this purpose in laboratory study and field monitoring. 对于该共聚物的定量测定,美国石油学会推荐用于聚合物HPAM的漂白法不适用,而显色法(淀粉碘化镉法)经改进后在室内实验研究和矿场监测中均可用于该共聚物的分析。